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Chateau Lascombes Margaux 二級酒莊 2014 波爾多紅酒 750ml

Chateau Lascombes Margaux 二級酒莊 2014 波爾多紅酒 750ml

Regular price HK$598.00
Sale price HK$598.00 Regular price HK$698.00


這款混合酒遵循了瑪歌的經典以赤霞珠為基礎的葡萄酒配方,其中含有50%的赤霞珠,接著是45%的梅洛和5%的小維爾多。 長期擔任釀酒師的德爾菲娜·巴布 (Delphine Barboux) 負責製作這款酒,而米歇爾·羅蘭 (Michel Rolland) 則擔任自2001年葡萄酒年份以來的諮詢釀酒師。 這款美酒在60%新的法國橡木桶中陳釀18-20個月,然後裝瓶,準備供人品嚐!

The blend follows the classic cabernet-based wines of Margaux, with 50% cabernet sauvignon, to be followed by 45% merlot and 5% petit verdot. Long-time oenologist Delphine Barboux crafts the wines, under the guidance of the one and only Michel Rolland – who has served as consulting winemaker since the 2001 vintage. 18-20 months aging in 60% new French barrels and this beauty is transferred to bottle and ready for mortal consumption!

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