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Sparkling Moscato 澳洲莫斯卡托氣泡酒 2021 750ml

Sparkling Moscato 澳洲莫斯卡托氣泡酒 2021 750ml

Regular price HK$148.00
Sale price HK$148.00 Regular price HK$178.00


這款莫斯卡托氣泡酒是繼莫斯卡托系列葡萄酒取得成功之後推出的。 這款布朗兄弟的氣泡版莫斯卡托旗艦產品,細膩而新鮮,清新美麗,帶有柔和的麝香香氣和精緻的氣泡餘韻,散發著新鮮壓碎的葡萄、果子露和麝香的香氣,是晚宴聚會的絕佳開始。 This release of the Sparkling Moscato follows the success of the Moscato range of wines. The wine is delicate and fresh and a great way to start a dinner party occasion. Beautifully fresh with a soft musk aroma and a delicate sparkling finish, the flagship Brown Brothers Sparkling Moscato shines with freshly crushed grapes, sherbet, and musk aromas.

Tasting Notes

顏色 Color:

明亮、充滿活力的色彩,帶有青春的綠色色調。 Bright vibrant color with a youthful green hue.

香氣 Nose:

氣泡版莫斯卡托提升了麝香的香氣以及新鮮壓碎的葡萄和果子露香水的香氣。 The Sparkling Moscato has lifted musk aromas, freshly crushed grapes, and a sherbet perfume.

口感 Palate:

入口有麝香葡萄和緊密的柑橘味,有著清爽飽滿的平衡感。The palate also shows these characters along with a tight citrus core that balances the fruitiness of this refreshing full sparkling wine.

食物搭配 Food Pairings

氣泡版莫斯卡托精緻、新鮮,是舉辦晚宴的絕佳配搭。 芝士和餅乾、濃鬱的咖哩或鹹爆谷都是好選擇。 如果想要品嚐美味的食物,可以嘗試搭配充滿新鮮香菜和辣椒的泰式綠咖哩。 冷藏後飲用,趁年輕、充滿活力時享用。The Sparkling Moscato is delicate, fresh, and a great way to get a dinner party occasion off and running. Pop and pour alongside cheese and crackers, rich curries, or salted popcorn on the couch. For something savory, try it with a Thai green curry that is loaded with fresh coriander and chili. Serve well chilled and enjoy while young and vibrant.

酒精度 ABV:


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